Datos personales

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013


The first semester went away, and gave us a lot of new things, new expectations and new knowledge.

Personally, I want to thank you professor ALBERTO FAJARDO, because thanks to your classes, you allow me to know new things about the linguistics. And for that reason now, I love linguistics and I feel motivated to keep on learning and searching information about it. 

Finally, I appreciate very much, all the knowledge and the opportunity you gave with this blog, to express what we feel and think and to interact and read our partners compositions as well. 

We are now with the end of Linguistics class,  the flame of linguistics burns inside us, but we do not be sad, we must be happy because now it is time for us to take the linguistics flame, and carry it into the world, take the flame of linguistics  let it iluminate the darkness because if wen keep the light burning we can return next semester with a new chapter of Linguistics! 

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013


Happy Teacher's Day.. 
God Bless you every day of you life my dear colleagues..!! 


Applied Linguistics is an interdisciplinary field in which there are many real life problems of the language, that are studied. Likewise, the applied linguistics are related with many academic aspects such as sociology, education, antrophology, psycology and many others. 

On the other hand, applied linguistics is related as well with the language assesment, the discourse analysis, the contrastive linguistics, the language planning, second language acquisition, language pedagogy, among others. 

According to this we live with the applied linguistics, we can find it anywhere and we use it all the time to fixe problems and solve doubts about the language. For this reason, as foreign languages teachers we must be aware of the importance of knowing about the linguistics because in this way, it possible for us to identify many difficuties in the learning and acquisition of a foreign language and at the same time to find a possible solution.